Refreshers and Freebies Fair | Ffair y Glas Tymor Dau

Tuesday 30 January 2024, 11am - 3pm

Event Information

A new year doesn't have to mean an entirely new you.. But it does give you the chance to try something new.


Thinking about getting into baking or picking up a new sport? Maybe you're learning Jui Jitsu or starting volunteering as your New Year resolution .... Well, it's not too late to join a society, discover new interests or pursue old ones. Come along to the Refreshers’ and Freebies Fair to explore your next passion. Whether it's Rugby, KPop Choreo or finding a new job, you're sure to find something that starts your new year off on the right track! ​


There will be a chance to speak to SU services and before you ask, Dominos are back (as usual) with some tasty and FREE Pizza slices.


That's not all though, we'll also be joined by... Unite students, Vindico Arena, AU Vodka, CRM, Viva!, Pret, Koottaan Cardiff Curry Club, The Times, Trip, Three Mobile, Teach First and Diabetes UK.


Sports clubs

Equestrian, Jiu Jitsu, Trampoline, Mountaineering, Sub Aqua, Windsurf, Taekwondo, Ice Hockey, Triathlon, Hiking, Rifle, Ladies' Basketball, Ladies' Cricket, Ultimate Frisbee, Rugby League, Dodgeball, Softball & Baseball, Table Tennis, Caving. 



Green Party, Palestinian Solidarity, Welsh Hearts, Solidaritee, Plant Science - late arrival, Spanish, Italian and Latin American Society, Creative Writing Society, AIESEC, CyberSoc, Act One, Kharis On Campus, Students for Europe, Quadball society, Vegan and Vegetarian Society, Airsoft, Taylor Swift Society, Cardiff University Conservative and Unionist Association, Blank Verse, KChoreo, Cardiff Model United Nations Society,CU Pride, RAG, Show Choir,ESports, Philosophy Society, Broadway Dance, CU Equal Opportunities Law Society, Wildlife and conservation society, Yoga Society, Windband Society, Music Society, Bollywood Dance Society, FAD, Film Production Society, Sustainable Fashion, Lana Del Rey Society, Cardiff Business School Society, Cardiff Arbitration Society, Quiz society, TANGGS, Psychology Society, ANARC, Filipino society, English Literature Society, Cardiff Marrow, STAR, Law Society, Comedy Society, SLASH Hip Hop Dance Society, Film Society, Feminist society, Plaid Cymru, Labour Students Society, Coppafeel!, Czech and Slovak Society 



Nid oes rhaid i flwyddyn newydd olygu eich bod chi'n hollol newydd. Ond mae'n gyfle i chi roi cynnig ar rywbeth newydd.


Meddwl am ddechrau pobi neu roi cynnig ar gamp newydd? Efallai eich bod chi'n dysgu Jui Jitsu neu'n dechrau gwirfoddoli fel eich adduned Blwyddyn Newydd. Wel, nid yw'n rhy hwyr i ymuno â chymdeithas, darganfod diddordebau newydd neu ailafael mewn hen rhai. Dewch draw i Ffair y Glas Tymor Dau i ddarganfod eich diddordeb newydd. P'un ai Rygbi, KPop Choreo neu ddod o hyd i swydd newydd, rydych chi'n siŵr o ddod o hyd i rywbeth sy'n dechrau eich blwyddyn newydd ar y trywydd iawn!


Bydd cyfle i siarad â gwasanaethau’r UM a chyn i chi ofyn, mae Dominos yn ôl (fel yr arfer) gyda sleisys pizza blasus AM DDIM.

Ond nid dyna'r cyfan, hefyd yno fydd... Unite Students, Arena Vindico, AU Vodka, CRM, Viva!, Pret, Clwb Cyri Koottaan Caerdydd, The Times, Trip, Three Mobile, Teach First a Diabetes UK.
